What is PlexWare? PlexWare is a visual object intelligent pad platform. It is a visualization layer above Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. It provides a new Internet Browser platform for the end user and an application development environment for the super user, administrator, and application programmer. It simplifies and refines the web surfing through drag & drop and integration feature. WebTop is an ideal application.
What is a WebTop? - WebTop is a Desktop on the browser. It acts like the Windows Desktop. It has icon, window, folder, trashcan, browser and legacy application integration, database integration, etc. K-Plex introduced this concept through our visual object intelligent pad technology, PlexWare.
Why are we creating the Desktop on the browser? - The amount of Information on the Internet is huge. Searching and Surfing from site to site for information using a web page is a painful and time consuming job. With PlexWare application, we simplify and refine that process, so surfer does not need to jump from page to page or site to site in the PlexWare environment. Legacy and office applications, PlexWare can even integrate with legacy and office applications and the same drag and drop process can transfer information from any web content into these integrated applications.
With the inheritance of Intelligent Pad technology, refining the Internet information through PlexWare's PlexKlips are as visual as the drag and drop operation, and customization is key. PlexWare user can easier customize the WebTop, and power user can go beyond the customization process without the need of getting a change request or assistance from application programmer or software developer.
The WebTop is just one concept. A PlexWare Application can be anything as simple as our Stock Chart demo or as complicated as an Enterprise Integration Portal. Our Starter Kit Package is the starting place. Click here to check it out. For information on our PlexWare Technology, visit our Core Technology page.
K-Plex offers User-Oriented solutions for:
- Application And Data Integration
- XML Document Lifecycle Management
- Active Documents
- Portal Development And Web Services
- Online Meeting And Collaboration